Science is all conscious efforts to investigate , discover , and increase human understanding of various aspects of reality in human nature . In classification , science itself can be divided into 3 categories , among others :
Natural science is a science that its object is the natural objects . Science known as the science , the scientists used for the investigation of symptoms and natural phenomena that occur . The branches of the natural sciences include: astronomy , physics , biology , ecology , physics , geology , geography , earth science , and physics . Math is not included in the natural sciences , but mathematics into a tool / means used in the natural sciences .
Social science is the study of everything related to the human and social environment . This science has branches that are usually studied with a focus on education levels such as high school ( SMA ) , and are specified over again in the faculties and departments in the college or university . Such branches are anthropology , economics , geography , law , linguistics , education , politics , psychology , history , and sociology .
Applied science is the application of knowledge of one or more fields . Applied science is usually the areas studied in the Vocational School ( SMK ) , for example, computer science and informatics , as well as engineering science which consists of biomedical science , agricultural science , electrical engineering , and agricultural engineering .Just as in the development of IT , science developed in order to facilitate human work . The types of jobs that require great physical abilities , can now be minimized with the help of automated machines that are the result of science itself. But people should be able to sort out how to use these developments into something positive . Because science is only giving a reality . Human truth should be more than just objective .Technology can not avoid from this life , because of technology and science go hand in hand . The continued development of science , the creation of the technology will continue to evolve . Such as the science that studies human nature . Of these sciences , man can make his own man through a technology called cloning . And more sophisticated medical devices to help people in the health field .Science developed in accordance with the period from time to time , the following explanation :1 . Pre era of Ancient Greece ( Ancient Age )In this era , are generally divided into three phases , namely : Old Stone Age ( prehistoric period , this era lasted about four million years BC (before Christ ) to 20,000 or 10,000 years BC ) , the Stone Age Young ( last year 10,000 BC to 2,000 century BC or 100 to 20 BC ) and Metal Ages ( lasted from the 20th century BC to the 6th century BC ) .2 . Ancient Greece (lasting from the 6th century BC to 6th century AD ) .3 . Middle Ages ( Age is still associated with an earlier age . Since the beginning of this era in the 6th century AD until about the 14th century AD ) .In the kingdom of the Arabs , science spawned figures that play a role in it . They are as follows :

Al - Kindi , the first of the Islamic philosopher who works in the field of geometry , astronomy , arithmetic , music , physics , medicine, psychology , meteorology , and politics .

Al - Kindi
Al - Farabi , commentators Greek philosophy contributes to the field of mathematics , philosophy , medicine , and even music .
Al - Khwarizmi , whose work in the form of his first book Al - Jabar major impact on the field of mathematics .
Ibn Sina , Avicenna in the West is the father of modern medicine who worked in the fields of medicine .
etc. .4 . Renaissance era ( This era took place in the early 14th century AD to 17th century AD ) .5 . Modern era ( This era is already terintis ranging from the 15th century AD However , the real indicator is evident in the 17th century and lasted until the 20th century AD ) .6 . Contemporary Zaman ( Zaman This stems from the 20th century AD and has continued to this day ) .
Covers various fields of science